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CMSimple_XH - Downloads - Releases - Latest Version



We check all downloads to the best of our knowledge, but do not assume any warranty. The use of the offerings is at your own risk.


Since 02.07.2017 all new CMSimple_XH versions, bug fixes and upgrade packages are published on GitHub and offered for download.

CMSimple_XH Releases (GitHub) 


Since CMSimple_XH 1.7.3 there is a changed core.css included, which unfortunately also has influence on several existing templates and their layout. Special and known, this affects the mailform, the login page and sometimes parts of the backend administration. This results in a different display than originally intended by the template designer.
Should you have / detect any problems in this respect, please let us know!

Latest Version

CMSimple_XH directly from GitHub:

XH 1.8.0 Download (GitHub, ZIP File)

SHA-256 hash: DC59C99ABBAAA65E59738C8E09FBFE0F5D29C8DF442EF13DC83F88380248AA95

XH Update 1.7.6 to 1.8.0 (GitHub, ZIP File)

SHA-256 hash: C6D3386EDFAA285C65072FEF21C187A69DAE106931D396B86B837E182253EEE4


CMSimple_XH direct download from this page:

SHA-256 hash: DC59C99ABBAAA65E59738C8E09FBFE0F5D29C8DF442EF13DC83F88380248AA95
SHA-256 hash: C6D3386EDFAA285C65072FEF21C187A69DAE106931D396B86B837E182253EEE4

Older Versions before 1.8

Official support has been discontinued for versions 1.7.x.
We therefore recommend, that you always use the latest version.

CMSimple_XH directly from GitHub:

XH 1.7.6 Download on GitHub


CMSimple_XH Version 1.7.6 direct download from this page:

SHA-256 hash: 03D28EF83A4BCF230F883363B7BD38D929B803512C4E63B8CB4977B581EA1FAD
SHA-256 hash: 3A1BF2FE66534A7A9B9833C0E47FE17EDD328E9FEFEE4FCC74661BC30910D84C
SHA-256 hash: A347F362B79D8F292BF226CC68B0F8784E053F37BBADEF58D4EE138E48BEBFF5

Older Versions before 1.7

Official support has been discontinued for versions 1.6.x.
We therefore recommend, that you always use the latest version.

Older CMSimple_XH versions are provided on SourceForge:

to the archive (SourceForge)  - 5/5 - 25


CMSimple_XH Version 1.6.10 direct download from this page:




Language Packages

CMSimple_XH is delivered in English and German language by default. Other languages can be downloaded here. Some of the links are direct downloads - others are links to the provider's pages.



Unpack the downloaded file and upload the contained folders cmsimple/ and plugins/ into your CMSimple_XH installation (to exactly the folders that already exist there). If a language package needs to be installed differently, this is described in the provided readme.txt.

Questions or suggestions?
… can be discussed in the Translations-Forum.


Flags for second languages

CMSimple_XH uses flags representing the respective language as switches for multilingual websites. The flags are located in the folder userfiles/images/flags/.

Standard Flag Set

The standard set of 16 flags in GIF format in the size 32 x 24 px can be downloaded here. It is identical to the delivered set.

Extended Flag Sets

Further flag sets are available for download. The ZIP archives contain flags for 58 languages in the specified sizes.
Here is a  preview of the extended flag sets.


Flag Set, 58 languages, 32 x 24 px


Flag Set, 58 languages, 48 x 36 px


Flag Set, 58 languages, 64 x 48 px



There is no official CMSimple_XH logo. Here we present a few logo variants. The logos can be downloaded by right-clicking on them.


XH Logo


XH Logo XH Logo XH Logo XH Logo

A larger version

XH Logo

And the same as CDR-Datei, AI-Datei, WMF-Datei.

Here is an SVG version in orange. The logo is square and can be scaled without loss of quality. The color can be easily changed with a text editor under "path fill". The same goes for the transparency under "fill-opacity". In case your browser refuses to save a SVG (e. g. the IE), there is a ZIP-Archive of the SVG logo.


An alternative variant JPG:

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