CMSimple XH-Logo 

CMSimple_XH - flat file - CMS - without db - changelog

ChangeLog – 01.07.2010 – v1.1.3

ChangeLog CMSimple_XH

01.07.2010 – v1.1.3

CMSimple_XH 1.1.3 contains small improvements and bug fixes, manly in the area pagedata, where we received some reports that in certain cases pagedata became disarranged (assignment of page related data to specific CMSimple_XH pages).

For the many users of CMSimple_XH 1.1.2 there is ready for download

Update 1.1.2 => 1.1.3

As in this download there are no config and language files, the files can simply be installed on top of the existing installation.

The Update is strongly recommended.