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ChangeLog CMSimple_XH

55 articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10

22.05.2014 – v1.6.2

CMSimple_XH 1.6.2, which fixes several bugs and brings some improvements, has been released today.

24.04.2014 – v1.6.1pl1

This release fixes a Remote File Inclusion vulnerability on servers where register_globals is enabled (which is discouraged, by the way). If you are affected, you are strongly encouraged to download and install the following patch.

24.04.2014 – v1.5.10pl1

This release fixes a Remote File Inclusion vulnerability on servers where register_globals is enabled (which is discouraged, by the way). If you are affected, you are strongly encouraged to download and install the following patch.

25.02.2014 – v1.5.10

This is a maintenance release for the 1.5 branch which reaches its end-of-life on June, 30th.

30.01.2014 – v1.6.1

CMSimple_XH 1.6.1, which fixes several bugs, has been released today. For details and links to the downloads see the release announcement in our forum.

03.01.2014 – v1.6

CMSimple_XH 1.6 has been released today. A comprehensive release announcement including upgrade instructions can be found in our forum.

55 articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10