Template Repository
A responsive and very flexible template
A classic 3 or 2 column layout with four header variants and five column width variants. The template has its own configuration with web interface. The layout is kept simple and clear. The layout is additionally very changeable in color, appearance and function with the help of the Morpagedata plugin via parameters for each individual page. Numerous settings/functions are to be made/switched separately for each individual page. External styles and scripts can be integrated selectively without intervention in the actual template and stylesheet files. The implementation of 3 additional plugins is done automatically.
Prerequisite for the proper function are the following plugins and images:
SimplePlugins_XH Edition KRL
Images for the slideshow in the exact size 1920 x 300 px (min. 2 pieces)
Privacy_XH optional
Crazystat_XH optional
Memberpages_XH optional
Register_XH optional
A detailed description can be found here: https://template.lembach-cmsimple.de/?Template-krl-3col-flex
A classic 3 or 2 column layout with four header variants and five column width variants. The template has its own configuration with web interface. The layout is kept simple and clear. The layout is additionally very changeable in color, appearance and function with the help of the Morpagedata plugin via parameters for each individual page. Numerous settings/functions are to be made/switched separately for each individual page. External styles and scripts can be integrated selectively without intervention in the actual template and stylesheet files. The implementation of 3 additional plugins is done automatically.
Prerequisite for the proper function are the following plugins and images:
SimplePlugins_XH Edition KRL
Images for the slideshow in the exact size 1920 x 300 px (min. 2 pieces)
Privacy_XH optional
Crazystat_XH optional
Memberpages_XH optional
Register_XH optional
A detailed description can be found here: https://template.lembach-cmsimple.de/?Template-krl-3col-flex
- Category: Multipage, Responsive, Cols, 2or3, Configuration-gui, Flexible
- Current Version: 3.2.2
- Date of publication: 2024-03-11
- XH-Version: 1.7+
- PHP-Version: 5.6+, 8.1
- License: GNU GPLv3
- Coder: Karl Richard Lembach
- Website: https://lem ... .de/
- Information last updated on: 2024-03-24
Further information about Template can be found on this page.
Own template?
A description of what to do to add your own template to this list can be found on this info page.